Varcoe Road SE16
Pocket Living
Pocket homes are sold at 20% discount to local prices to eligible purchasers, defined by income and where they live or work. The homes remain affordable in perpetuity and are 100% owned by purchasers. For these people, the options are usually binary: live in shared rented accommodation or leave London to buy. Pocket Living is a disruptor in the housebuilding sector. It is the UK’s only developer dedicated to building and selling grant-free affordable homes. Varcoe Road SE16 is a development of 57 affordable homes in Zone 2 for Southwark’s first time buyers. All 57 homes were sold and occupied within a month of the development’s completion in November 2019, with prices starting from £288,000. The award-winning Pocket home is designed to be a comfortable, highly-functional first home, making the best use of every inch of available space and incorporating features that fit the way London’s first time buyers live.