Landmark Pinnacle
Chalegrove Properties
The Sky Gardens encompass over 6,350sq. ft and are home to over 3,500 plants from around the world. Featuring a carefully curated and complex micro-climate, plants are nurtured within an enclosed glass container where a year-round tropical oasis emerges. The planting is carefully planned to deliver a year-round sensory experience, with bursts of colour, texture and scent throughout the seasons. Robust species were selected, generally those native to tropical forest understories, as they require little maintenance and are suited to shaded indoor spaces while creating an exotic atmosphere in the middle of the city. Low-maintenance plants from around the world were sourced from The Netherlands to reduce this innovative scheme’s carbon footprint. The garden is split into an East and West side, each with its own character and layout. The gardens take inspiration from the world-famous Kew Botanical Gardens and Chelsea Flower show, with their former Head Horticulturalist creating this project. Occupying the entire 27th floor of the 75-storey tower, these indoor tropical gardens were created as a way for residents to reconnect with nature and boost wellbeing and mental health, by giving residents access to a green haven where they can exercise, work, play, socialise and relax. Landmark Pinnacle is the UK's tallest residential tower and an award-winning masterpiece of architecture designed by star-architect Squire & Partners.