Michael Brown
Michael is a business founder, a long-term managing director of creative agencies, part of the leadership group of an organisation of over 40,000 people, and social enterprise pioneer – helping to create, launch and lead what is thought to be the world's first mental health drop-in centre inside a soup kitchen. Creative problem solving is central to the organisation he now leads - an international marketing organisation called MKTG which specialises in experiential, brand experience and sponsorship marketing. He recently become a published author with his highly regarded first book, 'I don't agree'; a fascinating exploration of new, powerful, and surprising solutions to the ancient problem: Why we disagree so much. The book has been endorsed by Seth Godin, the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, PR Week, Management Today, The Telegraph and many others. Michael lives in Brighton with Katy, Jake, Freddie, Millie and Tessie – who is a Shi-Tzu. He plays the saxophone when feeling stressed, and in an earlier life he was a sticker in Smash Hits; which his mum still keeps on her toilet door.